Technical audit of existing wastewater collection and treatment systems in North Macedonia and preparation of necessary documentation for Supply of Water Equipment for the Municipalities of Radovish, Kichevo, Strumica, Prilep, Berovo, Kumanovo, Bitola and Tetovo”. Project financed by EUD. Since May 2024 – ongoing. the assignment shall examine a sample of urban wastewater systems that received IPA funding and see how they treat municipal wastewater and handle sewage sludge and establish whether they comply with the requirements of EU Directives and are likely to be financially sustainable. Preparation of Performance and Energy Audits, Priority Investment plans and preparation of Technical specifications for the equipment.

Technical assistance in support to the Tetovo major wastewater project, Republic of North Macedonia. Project financed by EUD. Since January 2023 – December 2023. Scope of the project includes review and update of the tender documentation for the wastewater project in Tetovo consisting of WWTP and wastewater collection investments with estimated works value of approximately 40 M€.
Review and update of preparatory studies for waste water investments in Shtip and Veles, North Macedonia, Project financed by EUD. Since September 2021 – September 2024. Scope of the project includes review and update of the existing technical documentation (Feasibility studies, EIA studies, technical designs and tender dossiers). Estimated works value of approximately 60 M€

Detailed Design for the reconstruction of the ozone generation system as part of the filter station. Project financed by PCE Komunalec from Strumica. Since 2021. Investment estimate: 250,000 €.
Preliminary and Detailed design for the Mechanical and Electrical phases of the WWTP in Kochani (50.000 PE). Client is UWE and DIPKO from Macedonia. Construction cost 15 M CHF. Year 2017 – 2018

Preliminary and Detailed design for the Mechanical and Electrical phases of the WWTPs in Strumica (45.000 PE). Client is UWE and HEI from Macedonia. Construction cost 8 M€. Year 2016
Preliminary and Detailed design for the Mechanical and Electrical phases of the WWTP Kichevo (32.000 PE). Client is UWE and HEI from Macedonia. Construction cost 7 M€. Year 2016

Preliminary and Detailed design for the Mechanical and Electrical phases of the WWTP Radovish (25.000 PE). Client is UWE and HEI from Macedonia. Construction cost 5 M€. Year 2016
Supervision of the implementation of the works contracts for Rehabilitation and extension of sewerage network in Municipalities of Berovo and Kumanovo. Project financed by European Union. Client is Central Financing and Contracting Department of Ministry of Finance, Macedonia. Value works 8.1 M€. Year 2016 – 2018

Detailed design for overvoltage protection of ICT equipment at more than 170 points and 28 different locations. Client is JSC Macedonian Power Plants ELEM. Construction cost 350.000€. Year 2017

Preparation of Preliminary Design with treatment option analysis and Detailed Design for the wastewater collection and treatment in the thermo-electrical plant REK Bitola. Project financed by ELEM, Macedonia. Scope of the project includes analysis of the existing situation in REK Bitola regarding collection of the sanitary, industrial and atmospheric wastewater streams and their treatment, various option analysis and preparation of Detailed designs for the collection of all types of wastewater generated in the facility and their separate treatment. Detailed design of 4 WWTP. Detailed design of the regulation of the drainage channels around the facility. Value of the works 6 M€. Year 2018 – 2020
Detailed Design of the wastewater pre-treatment plant for the Airport Alexander the Great in Skopje. Inlet pumping station and automatic coarse screen. Project financed by TAV. Investment value 150.000 €. Year 2015
Detailed Design of the wastewater treatment plant for industrial wastewater coming from aluminium die-cast factory. Project financed by SMR Automotive Systems. Investment value 300.000 €. Year 2012
Pre-Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design for PV plants for the WWTPs in Shtip and Veles. Both PV plats are with 1 MW capacity. To be constructed as design-bult projects. Project financed by EUD.
Estimated works value of approximately 2 M€

Delivery of training and provision of technical assistance to school teams for the maintenance of schools renovated as part of the USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Project. The company’s activities took place between 2013 – 2017.
The company provided the following consulting services:
- Provision of technical assistance to renovation and maintenance teams for school facilities in 66 schools, divided into 5 phases.
- Development of personalized maintenance plans for each school.
- Organization and delivery of one-day training sessions for staff responsible for school facility maintenance.